No one is perfect and because rooftop solar is not an everyday purchase, following are few mistakes which people make when buying solar power system:
- Not Checking Reputation of a Company when Dealing with Them
A solar company is going to be walking around on your roof and making penetrations in it. It is your roof that stops everything else you own from getting wet and therefore it is important to find a solar company that takes pride in its reputation and will look after the solar equipment they install. There is a very big difference in the quality of service between the best solar installers and the worst. However, it is easy to find this out by using review sites and the company’s social media pages.
- Not Getting Multiple Quotes
Consider going solar now, buyers are put under so much pressure by a sales rep to sign off their agreement on the spot, they do not get a chance to contact another company to get a quote and compare different prices. By having several companies give you a breakdown of how much a solar power system will cost you, you can gain a real understanding of whether solar is right for your budget, and whether you’re being ripped off (in either price or quality)
- Waiting for Prices of Solar Panels to Drop
Many people put off the idea of installing solar on their rooftop just because they are of a perception that the prices of solar panels will drop in the near future. However, with popular Government rebate schemes and incentives running out soon, this is probably the best time to get a quality solar installation done on your rooftop.
- Buying Before Defining your Load
This one is a very common mistake made by many of buyers as they buy a solar system before knowing their energy consumption. Conducting an inexpensive energy audit with Target Solar will provide an accurate load profile data for your home. Without doing this, you’ll most likely oversize or under size the system which will lead to you losing money either ways.
- Confusing Daylight hours with Sunlight Hours
A sunlight hour is a specific unit of measurement to define the period in a day where a solar panel will work to its maximum efficiency. So, the sun may rise at 6 am and set at 5 pm but you can only get 5 sun hours in the middle of that day where your solar panel is working anywhere close to maximum capacity. This does not mean that your solar panel works for only 5 hours, it means that in order to get the most out of your panels, you must install in such a way that you maximize the sun hours.